Do you have what it takes to claim the title Lash Artist of the Year 2023?
Attention! The number of spaces per nomination is limited to 12 participants per category! Light Volume is suitable for 2D/3D application only.
Dates to remember:
Last Day to Enter: 16 March 2023
Voting Process: 20 March 2023 - 29 March 2023
Winners announcement: 2 April 2023
*Voting will be held online through the voting platform for the duration of 9 days. Voting is free and open to the public. One vote per person only.
Winner gets:TITLE According to the chosen category.
Beautiful Trophy, e-Certificate & e-Badge.
Lash Goodies shipped directly to your door.
TOP5 Finalists will get an e-Certificate.
Processing of your entry:
Once you've purchased your entry, the application form & conditions will be sent via email within 72 hours.
If successful, you will be contacted once your submission has been reviewed. You will then be awarded your Nominee Title, which can already be used to set yourself apart from your local competition and gain media coverage.
If you are unsuccessful you will be contacted via email with further instructions.
Please click here to get familiar with our Terms and Conditions!